Propulsion 2K20.001

Learning from the past..
I missed on consistency.
Never leave it out thinking its just one day, I can't miss on any chance given in this world.


Asking myself a question that 
"What Am I Doing Now?"

This answer from within is the guiding light that I need.

Somethings for this year I am trying out.

Writing in some form to express everyday for 365 days.

Making it count:
Its not over until its finally over, the day has 24 hours and you can't have any excuse for each hour in a day. So be the design you want to be and show that you are incharge.

Trying harder:
Sweating more for the defined purpose, to channel the intensity towards your goals will surely bring true transformations, I am not going to be a rat on the wheel, who does things the same way and expect different results out of luck.
I will be architect of my outcomes, I want to be in control and start now with it.

Achiever are never quitters:
You have the skills and belief, but lack commitment and will.

Prove yourself !!!


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