Food For All?

Deprivation is the true cost at which we truly realise the value of a commodity, emotions, person or a process.
I have found this the hard way and experimented with the thoughts of publishing the sense of this realisation to the masses. I hope it inspires you too in some way.
If you are reading this I well presume that you are not the one who is sleeping
hungry or is deprived of the nutrition required to sustain your self alive and functioning in this world.

If you are reading this I well presume that you are not the one who is sleeping
hungry or is deprived of the nutrition required to sustain your self alive and functioning in this world.

But does that take away the responsibility of making sure that well being of this sustenance is forwarded or at least used for helping the people who are in dire need of some food for surviving in this harsh world.

We tend to conveniently take our eyes off the things which do not serve the selfishness of our own desires and prospects, but the social responsibility of being useful to the section of people who struggle with the basic essence of livelihood i.e food and shelter.
Ignoring the problem is not the solution as it can have compounding effects over a long time period, hence making a it a whole lot worse over time.
Ignoring the problem is not the solution as it can have compounding effects over a long time period, hence making a it a whole lot worse over time.
A small step each at a time through precise workable , adaptable and efficient methods/plans, I strongly believe can have drastic positive effects on these basic challenges we see in our society today.

Why would we care?
Its some question that is obvious to be asked, if someone at some place struggles to meet the basic of having enough food for survival, why do we care?
I was like you once, selfishness or some would say self centered, but the realization of life begins if you start to give, if you accumulated all the goodness in you but have not shared your goodness with others, your effort to be is wasted. Since you as a life form are deemed to exist for a very limited time on the time line on this universe.
The power of carry forwarding your behaviors, qualities and happiness has brought us to this level of consciousness and learning, remember we have not invented the wheel but it was passed on to us and like wise many other things are in its today's capacity due to the ancestral rewards we acquired. And have reaped.
We could argue that hunger is one of those potential problem that is overlooked over so many years, hence its in today's state of criticality, I would agree to a certain extent and feel proud that we have found an opportunity to allow this to be avoided for our upcoming future generations.
We could argue that hunger is one of those potential problem that is overlooked over so many years, hence its in today's state of criticality, I would agree to a certain extent and feel proud that we have found an opportunity to allow this to be avoided for our upcoming future generations.
Let me declare I am not the first one to think around the issue, there is a lot of work in action under different charity heads and non profit social banners, and I plan to research these institutions and their working mechanisms. I'll be happy to discuss measures, strategies and plans to work this into action.
Data is the power we have and to the best of technology at our disposal both of above are not nutritional to solve hunger but an approach can transform these into a capable and a scalable solution.
As my personal opinion it's not the capability but the intention of the deed that helps us motivate to eradicate these primary issues the world is looking at today.
Thanks for your time!!
Looking forward to understand your opinion on this matter.
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