Not All Fingers Are The Same
I have been inquisitive in all my experience, and this unique force of knowing more has been driving my actions towards my next ventures and understanding of life. In this quest I have taken some important lessons about my being in this world. 1. Certainty is abstract and the only part that can comfortably allow certainty to resolve is your absolute belief in things, we govern our perspectives and should be open for updates and upgrades. 2. The ride is fun when it has turns, ups and downs find the heauty in being in the state and throughly enjoying that experience. 3. Its hard to do everything by yourself, so take help but dont be relieved of your part of duties, responsibility is a shared business we all have our side of actions to comply to push our dreams into reality. 4. Its hard when you expect every moment to be designed as oer your wish, while planning for it is jot bad, while the reality comes with an undeniable clause for acceptance, if you agree you wud be able to proceed, el...